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Price: $29.99
Death Row Last Day   full length track

Dark tense track featuring a modern filmic percussion sound groove evolving pads bass pulse, suspenseful pitched rhythmic elements and contemporary sound design. searching for something comes to mind or waiting for a result in with anxiety building. --- Secondary Keywords: Absence darkness anticipation , dimness, murkiness, obscurity pitch-dark black foreboding depressing black, bleak dreamy dark , afraid, aghast,apprehensive, bugged, careful, choked, clutched, concerned, disquieted, distressed, disturbed,disturbing dreading, fearful, fidgety, ,searching apprehensive careful tension crime cheating waiting looking lie future past loss experimenting , building fired opening closing

composer: Ilya Kaplan | duration: 167 seconds

Price: $34.99
Desolate Barren Land   full length track

Dark hollow track featuring a Japanese bamboo flute the lonely sackhuhachi a sound groove evolving haunting pads ,and an overall feeling of the end of life as it once was Think of the barren landscape of Hiroshima the day after the atomic bomb was dropped Total loss and destruction. -- Secondary Keywords: Absence darkness,loss crying burned Hiroshima Nagasaki the bomb , atomic radiation dimness, murkiness, obscurity pitch-dark black foreboding depressing: black,death desolation finality no hope bleak dreamy dark , afraid, aghast,apprehensive, bugged, careful, choked, clutched, concerned, disquieted, distressed, disturbed,disturbing dreading, fearful, fidgety, ,searching apprehensive careful tension crime cheating waiting looking lie future past loss experimenting , building opening closing

composer: Ilya Kaplan | duration: 232 seconds

Price: $39.99
Stampede   full length track

Cinematic action/adventure score starting with just horns before intense percussion, string motiff and dissonant orchestra lead the chase with a sense of urgency. Great for battles, racing against the clock, tense dramas, danger and peril ala Snow White, Hunger Games etc.
View available edits and loops for this track

composer: Stuart Moore | duration: 94 seconds

Price: $20.00
Drunk old Mambo   full length track

A silly jazzy mambo piece would suit a funny investigator , or a Mr. Bean at a cocktail party -- Secondary Keywords: jazz mumbo cha-cha dance kid , child happy funny , silly stupid , senseless laughable absurd, foolish, harebrained, idiotic, imbecilic, insane, lunatic, mad, animal animals moronic, preposterous, soft headed, tom fool, unearthly, zany .cockeyed, crazy, loony, loopy. dippy, dopey, jerky, sappy, wacky silliness empty - headed, featherbrained, flighty, frivolous, frothy, giddy, lighthearted, scatterbrained gaga. bird brained, dizzy brainless, fatuous, foolish, insensate, mindless, senseless, unintelligent, weak-minded, witless. camp kinder garden kinder garden children parents opening closing

composer: Ilya Kaplan | duration: 115 seconds

Price: $29.99
Empty Halls   full length track

A sad sentimental piano track perfect for film drama. -- Secondary Keywords: misplaced complication, relationship goodbye dilemma, disagreement, thoughts memories, problems dispute,doubt,issue, sentimental romance past opening closing heart break brokenhearted over thoughtful imagination busy confused misunderstanding, misconstruction, , misjudgment, miscalculation, misapprehension, mistaken belief, error, mistake, delusion: confused result

composer: Ilya Kaplan | duration: 109 seconds

Price: $34.99
Expecting the Future   full length track

A track carrying the sense of tense excitement , awaiting something grand to happen. Growing toward something unknown. The track changes moods at 1.04 and become a bit darker more energetic and digitally charged. --- Secondary Keywords delay, hold or hang back, pause, dilly-dally, wait,await, hover progress forward movement advance, advancement, headway, progression .complex development,evolution, involvement, growth, unfolding improvement conclusion: advance,move, proceed. man machine artificial intelligence purpose uncertainty adventure,revel, jape, game, cyber ants building combining machine robot assembly line factory nano technology sc-fi car electricity data WI-fi corporate opening closing

composer: Ilya Kaplan | duration: 137 seconds

Price: $34.99
Expecting the Worst   full length track

A slow subdued track carrying the sense of tense anticipation , waiting for something unknown .modern drums sound design triangle pad ---Secondary Keywords delay, hold or hang back, pause, dilly-dally, wait,await, hover progress Forward movement: advance, advancement, headway, progression .complex development,evolution, involvement, growth, unfolding improvement conclusion: advance,move, proceed. man machine artificial intelligence purpose uncertainty adventure,revel, jape, game, cyber ants building combining machine robot assembly line factory nano technology sc-fi car electricity data wi-fi corporate weight, burden; onus, pressure, encumbrance, millstone,cross, albatross, responsibility, care, anxiety, worry, trouble distress, discomfort,sadness, melancholy, sorrow, heartache, grief, anguish,anxiety, angst, depression, despair, desperation, desolation gloom misery unbelievable hardship, suffering,misfortune, ordeal, woe, trouble, catastrophe, neutrality neutral , bad vibe logical, reasonable, fitting, appropriate, afraid opening closing

composer: Ilya Kaplan | duration: 127 seconds

Price: $34.99
Fools Playing   full length track

A happy ,childish goofy track featuring a weird pallate of instruments . Perfect for children / cartoon / animation--- Secondary Keywords mans best friend dog dogs poodle German Sheppard mad ragtime , insane, demented, deranged, unbalanced, unhinged,lunatic, crazed, Colloq barmy or balmy, cuckoo,cracked, crackers, dotty, daffy, dippy, gaga, goofy, crackpot, loony, bonkers screwball, nuts, nutty bananas delighted DJ. pleased, happy, charmed, thrilled, enchanted, enchant pleasing, agreeable, pleasurable, enjoyable, joyful,pleasant, lovely, amusing, entertaining, diverting, exciting,thrilling: delightful attractive, congenial, winning, winsome, charming, engaging, exciting frolic, spree, escapade, caper, fling, romp, adventure,revel, jape, game, antic, horseplay, shenanigans, mischief, prank, practical joke family pet pets opening closing

composer: Ilya Kaplan | duration: 142 seconds

Price: $34.99
Freeway to the Horizon   full length track

A very steady positive , strong & energetic contemporary track ---Secondary Keywords: excited, fired up,energetic determined fast good vibe archiving energy corporate news weather stock report CNN television energetic uplifting fresh positive electronic sports motivational inspirational driving agile, lively, active, light, lithe, limber, spry, sprightly, brisk, smart, energetic, rapid, quick, swift, adroit,deft, dexterous smart, brilliant, data rush rushing late , lazy laid back sky fly plane wind glider open space firm, uncompromising, determined, decided, resolute,dogged; earnest, definite, unequivocal, unambiguous, distinct,definitive direct forceful, vigorous,energetic, assertive, intense; express, pronounced goal sure corporate opening closing

composer: Ilya Kaplan | duration: 167 seconds

Price: $34.99
Future Bad Days   full length track

A somber contemporary track brooding within an anxious mood . It grows and develops from a purely electronic track in to a hybrid with a low steady rock beat and bass. --- Secondary Keywords : miserable, wretched, desolate, woebegone, lost,pitiable, pitiful, pathetic, woeful, cheerless, joyless,unhappy, depressed,sad,desolate, disconsolate, gloomy,cautiously, charily, carefully, delicately,fastidious, daintily, squeamishly, tentatively, nervously,cannily, circumspectly, guardedly, watchfully, timidly,timorously, shyly: Handle that nitroglycerin very gingerly .development, evolution, involvement, cultivation,nurturing, increase, expansion, broadening, extension,enlargement, spread, proliferation, flowering: painful process. vegetation, crop: growth timber advancement, fail, improvement, expansion, rise, progress economy slowed down hospital uncertainty sentinel, watchman, sentry, security guard, custodian,guardian, protector, picket, watch, bodyguard thinking man, , hacking looking trying searching forging money CSI investigation problem logic opening closing

composer: Ilya Kaplan | duration: 133 seconds

Price: $29.99
Genious Practising   full length track

A somewhat playful impovisational piano piece in the style of Keith Jarrett . Has a positive thoughtfull dramatic vibe and a lot of emotional dynamic s.-- Secondary Keywords: improvisation misplaced complication, improvecomplete background music relationship goodbye drama radio concerto dilemma, disagreement, thoughts memories, problems dispute,doubt,issue, sentimental romance past opening closing heart break brokenhearted classical piano pianist

composer: Stan Fomin | duration: 101 seconds

Price: $29.99
Good Reason To Be Anxious   full length track

A tense urgent track with a pushing pulse loop and sound design. Carries a sense of confusion misunderstanding and not knowing where to go from here . A processed marimba pattern adds an urgent vibe. --- Secondary Keywords : dependent, vulnerable, weak, helpless, feeble, infirm,lame, crippled, disabled confused, baffled, mystified, bewildered,perplexed deprivation, bereavement, privation, denial, urgency worried sacrifice, forfeiture, disappearance erosion,reduction, impoverishment, depletion, shrinkage disadvantage,chance hope injury, damage health cancer thought imagination dark negative opening closing

composer: Ilya Kaplan | duration: 147 seconds

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